Lallie Kemp Medical Center MRI, Mammo, & Pharmacy
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
A ribbon cutting ceremony was held at Lallie Kemp Medical Center on Wednesday, February 8, 2018 to dedicate the new Digital Mammography Unit, the new MRI Service, and the newly remodeled Pharmacy Department’s USP 800 IV Clean Room used for chemotherapy preparations.
Pictured from left to right is Karen Wheat, Director of Nursing; Dr. Matloob Rehman, Medical Director; Mr. Kevlin Braun, Chairman of the Lallie Kemp Community Advisory Committee; Representative Robby Carter; Cheryl Brumfield, Chairman of Lallie Kemp Foundation; Rhonda Green, Hospital Administrator; Dr. Joseph Reid, Radiolgist; Robby Miller, Tangipahoa Parish President; Mark Voisin, Ancillary Director; and Chad Thompson, CFO.
A special thanks to all who helped to make these projects a success.