Complaints, Grievances, and Assistance 
Lallie Kemp Medical Center wants your experience at our facility to be a positive one. While we strive to provide the best possible care with courtesy, compassion and efficiency, there may be times when we fall short of that expectation. If that is the case for you or your loved one, please let us know!
If at any point in your interaction with us you have any concerns, please notify the employees where the problem originated. If those employees are not able to address your concern, you may ask for the department manager, or go directly to the Patient Advocate. The Patient Advocate will investigate your concern and respond to you verbally and/or in writing.
In addition, the Patient Advocate is the person you would contact directly if you believed your privacy rights were violated. And the Patient Advocate is the person you would contact if you believe you have experienced discrimination at our facility.
The Patient Advocate is also available to provide assistance if you need help with an issue related to your hospital service.