
Vendor Tips/Suggestions

  1. If you are inquiring about a specific invoice, please include in your e-mail a PDF copy of the invoice and proof of delivery of those goods.
  2. If you a submitting a new invoice, please note that the invoice had not been previously submitted for payment to the hospital.  The address for these invoices is:

                 Health Care Services Division – Administrative Business Office
                 Accounts Payable Section
                 P.O. Box 91308
                 Baton Rouge, LA 70821-1308

  1. Include specific contact information (with direct phones numbers and specific e-mail addresses) so that LSU HCSD Accounts Payable staff can contact you with any questions.
  2. Please insure that the goods or services were delivered prior to June 24, 2013.
  3. If you are inquiring about a payment you have received from HCSD, please include the HCSD check number, who exact name of who the check was address to, etc. in your correspondence.  Once again, a PDF copy of the check and attachment (check stub) will assist HCSD in tracing the payment.